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Social Media

Foodigito is a communication agency specialised in the management of your social networks, with a flexible approach to meet your specific needs. Our team of professionals takes care of the entire management of your social media accounts, constantly listening to your needs. We plan and create high-quality content (photos, reels, montages, stories, highlights...) on a regular basis to keep your online presence dynamic and engaging.

In the digital age, many issues are played out on the Internet. A restaurant must be present on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn…).

In 2023, 3 out of 4 customers rely on Facebook and Instagram comments and photos to decide where to eat.

Beautiful images help to create desire and introduce the restaurant to future customers: publishing quality and regular content on different social networks significantly increases the visibility of restaurants.

And who says visibility, says more customers in your establishment!

Social Media Management – Boost Your Restaurant’s Online Presence with Foodigito


In today’s digital age, an effective social media presence is a vital aspect of a restaurant’s success. Foodigito is here to help you leverage the power of social media platforms to reach and engage with your target audience. Discover how our comprehensive social media management services can elevate your restaurant’s online visibility and create a thriving community of loyal customers.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms

Different social media platforms cater to different audiences and have their unique strengths. Foodigito works with you to identify the platforms that are best suited for your restaurant’s target audience and goals. We focus on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube to ensure a well-rounded and effective social media presence.

Crafting Engaging Content

Creating captivating and share-worthy content is crucial for a successful social media strategy. Foodigito’s team of creative professionals collaborates with you to produce a variety of content types, including eye-catching graphics, stunning photos, enticing videos, and compelling stories. We ensure that your content aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

Building and Nurturing an Online Community

A strong social media presence is about more than just posting content – it’s about fostering a genuine connection with your audience. Foodigito helps you build and nurture an engaged online community by responding to comments, answering questions, and encouraging user-generated content. We aim to create an authentic and positive experience for your followers that translates into long-term customer loyalty.

Monitoring and Analyzing Performance

To ensure your social media strategy is effective, it’s essential to monitor and analyze its performance. Foodigito provides you with regular reports and insights on key metrics, such as reach, engagement, and conversions. We use this data to continuously optimize your social media strategy, making data-driven decisions to maximize your return on investment.


Investing in professional social media management can significantly enhance your restaurant’s online presence and help you build a loyal customer base. Foodigito is your partner in this journey, offering comprehensive social media services tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you harness the power of social media to drive your restaurant’s success.

Our working approach for the realization of a photo shoot is broken down into several key steps

Start-up Guide

We define your objectives and the strategy we will adopt during an initial meeting of about 30 minutes, in order to better understand your needs and desires.


If you have not already done so, we will take care of creating your accounts on the chosen platforms, as well as your Google and Trip Advisor pages.

Quality Charter

We complete and harmonise your profiles in line with the identity of your establishment (photos, consistency of information, respect of the graphic charter, etc.).


On social networks, it is essential to be coherent and consistent. We create attractive and varied content for you, adapted to your restaurant: dynamic visuals, video content, appetizing photos...

Editorial Calendar

We send you your editorial calendar every month: you don't need to think about anything! You can check your calendar for validation. You always have a say in what is published.


Animation of your accounts after publication with advertising, contests, stories, influencers, etc...

What will be the trajectory of your social networks in the future?


Since the beginning of our collaboration, our Platinum & VIP partners have experienced significant growth on social networks, on average: +600% followers in 3 months, +3,000 views per real on average, +9,000 accounts reached per month, etc. All these people are converting into potential customers: do the math!


65% of consumers say they have tried a restaurant after discovering it on social media. Investing in social media allows you to attract future customers, reassure them and build loyalty by extending their online experience.


Your social networks are like your shop window: by taking care of them and by varying the contents, your establishment is represented at its true value. Algorithms favour this diversity of content and using the same format all the time has a negative impact on your restaurant’s ranking. Posting photos, reels, montages, stories, etc… enhances the value of your establishment from all angles.

Frequently asked questions

Which social media platforms does Foodigito manage for its clients?

Foodigito manages a variety of social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube, depending on the specific needs of each client.

How does Foodigito develop a social media strategy for my business?

Foodigito begins by analyzing your goals, target audience, and industry to develop a personalized social media strategy. We take into account the specificities of each platform to maximize your online visibility and engagement.

What type of content does Foodigito create for social media?

Foodigito creates a variety of content tailored to each platform, such as graphic posts, photos, videos, blog articles, and stories. We ensure that the content is engaging, relevant, and consistent with your business’s brand image.

How does Foodigito ensure consistency across my different social media platforms?

Our team ensures that your brand image and message are consistent across all platforms by adapting the content and tone to each social network while respecting your brand identity.

How long does it take to see results with Foodigito's social media management?

Results vary depending on the strategy implemented and your business’s initial engagement on social media. In general, it takes a few weeks to a few months to see significant improvements in visibility and engagement.

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