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Brand Strategy

Do you seek to establish a genuine brand strategy for your establishment that sets you apart from competitors and secures a significant position in your market?

Our expert teams will define your brand platform, create a striking visual identity, and develop a relevant editorial strategy. We also offer strategic recommendations following an in-depth market analysis. Our mission is to empower you in building a compelling brand image that resonates with your customers, through passion and professionalism!

Brand Strategy – A Major Asset for Your Restaurant’s Success


In an increasingly competitive market, standing out and retaining customers is essential for a restaurant’s success. One of the keys to achieving this is developing a strong and consistent brand strategy. Foodigito is here to guide you through this process and help you build a unique and impactful brand identity. Discover how we can assist you in creating and implementing an effective brand strategy for your restaurant.

Understanding Your Brand Identity

To develop a successful brand strategy, it’s crucial to understand your brand identity. Foodigito helps you define the key elements of your brand, such as your mission, vision, values, and unique value proposition. We work with you to identify what sets you apart from your competitors and how to showcase these strengths in your communication.

Creating a Consistent Brand Image

Once your brand identity is defined, it’s important to create a consistent and cohesive brand image. Foodigito assists you in designing your logo, selecting colors and typography, and establishing a brand style guide. We ensure that all visual elements of your brand align with your identity and reflect the experience you want to offer your customers.

Developing Effective Communication

Communication is a key component of your brand strategy. Foodigito helps you craft compelling messages tailored to your target audience. We collaborate with you to define the tone and style of your communication, whether it’s for your website, social media, advertising materials, or press relations. We strive to make your communication consistent and in sync with your brand.

Monitoring and Evolving Your Brand Strategy

An effective brand strategy is a continuous process that requires constant attention. Foodigito supports you throughout this journey by analyzing the results of your actions and adjusting your strategy based on feedback from your audience. We help you identify opportunities for improvement and adapt to market changes to maintain a strong and relevant brand image.


Investing in a solid and consistent brand strategy is essential for your restaurant’s success. Foodigito is with you every step of the way, from defining your brand identity to implementing your communication. Together, we will help you create a strong brand that allows you to stand out and retain your clientele. Contact us today to learn more about our services and discover how we can help you achieve your goals.

How will we work on your brand strategy?

State of your business

We assess what has already been accomplished for your restaurant, analyze the results obtained, and identify areas for improvement.

Business Objectives

This step is essential and allows us to know which direction to take. Depending on your needs and objectives, we will choose one direction or another.


You decide when it is most convenient for you to shoot: during the service or outside, during the week or at the weekend... We adapt to your schedule.

Brand Platform

Based on our analysis and discussions, we establish a strong strategy step by step.

Visual Identity

This visual identity includes your logo, your colours, your typography... To allow your customers and future customers of your restaurant to recognize you easily and quickly.

Graphic Charte

We edit for you a simple and complete document in order to clearly define the application points of your new visual identity.

How can you use the photos from the shoot effectively?


A strong and consistent brand identity will impact your customers when they come to eat in your restaurant and make you instantly recognisable: 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual.


A brand universe that is different from your competitors will make you better known and appreciated by your customers and increase trust. The time a brand has to make a good impression is about 0.05 milliseconds.


Working in depth on your branding strategy allows you to carry your brand over the long term, giving it clear directions.


Consistent communication allows you to be in line with the values of your restaurant, the type of cuisine you serve and the culture you wish to convey (Italian restaurant, Thai canteen, Indian fast food…). The recognition of the company is amplified.

Frequently asked questions

How does Foodigito help me create a strong brand strategy?

Foodigito works with you to understand your goals, positioning, target audience, and company values to develop a consistent and impactful brand strategy.

What elements are considered when developing a brand strategy?

When developing a brand strategy, Foodigito takes into account several elements, such as visual identity, communication tone, company values, unique value proposition, and consistency across different communication channels.

How long does it take to develop a brand strategy with Foodigito?

The time needed to develop a brand strategy depends on the complexity of the project and your specific needs. In general, it takes a few weeks to a few months to develop and implement a strong brand strategy.

Does Foodigito also help reposition an existing brand?

Yes, Foodigito can help you reposition your existing brand by identifying strengths and areas for improvement, refining your message, and adapting your visual identity to better align with your goals and target audience.

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