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Influence Marketing

Influencer Marketing with Foodigito – Boost Your Restaurant with Our Curated Influencer Network


Influencer marketing is an effective way to promote your restaurant to a wider audience by leveraging the popularity and engagement of influencers on social media. At Foodigito, we have created a carefully curated influencer network to help you maximize your brand’s impact and attract new customers.

Our Handpicked Influencer Network

We understand the importance of working with influencers who have a genuine, interactive community. That’s why we have implemented a rigorous selection process for our influencer program. Only influencers with an engaged and relevant audience for your restaurant are chosen for our program.

Benefits for Influencers

Influencers in our network enjoy perks provided by partnering establishments. These perks can include complimentary meals, exclusive discounts, or invitations to special events. In return, influencers commit to promoting your restaurant to their community.

Influencer Obligations

To ensure the quality and effectiveness of our program, influencers are required to provide social media posts and stories within 72 hours of attending an event. This requirement ensures timely and relevant promotion of your restaurant to their followers.


With Foodigito, you can harness the power of influencer marketing to attract new customers and strengthen your brand’s visibility. Our curated influencer network guarantees authentic, high-quality promotion to an engaged and interested audience. Contact us today to learn more about our influencer marketing program and how it can help your restaurant stand out.

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